About Us
We are two people who love Jesus and want to share God's love with the people of rural Alaska. ​
We are Aaron and Tisha Dalton. We serve with InterAct Ministries in Grayling, Alaska, and are working with the local Alaska Native community to strengthen the Church body and bring the Hope and Love of Jesus to bush Alaska.
God called us into ministry in Alaska separately but also brought us together.
Tisha was born and raised in Palmer, Alaska and spent several years finishing school and working in Galena, Alaska at the GILA boarding school. She got her pilot's license in 2013 with Kingdom Air Corps and spent many summers training with them as well as working at the Brooks Range Bible Camp. She moved to Port Alsworth to work with Tanalian Leadership Center in 2016.
Aaron is California born and raised, but moved to Alaska in 2016 after graduating from LeTourneau University with a Mission Aviation degree. He served with Kingdom Air Corps for the summer, where he met Tisha and felt a calling to serve the people of Alaska.
Aaron also began working with Tanalian Leadership Center in 2017 and in the summer of 2018, we were married!
We joined InterAct Ministries in the fall of 2019 and moved to Grayling, August of 2020. Aaron pastors Grayling Bible Church and Tisha helps with everything included in that. They run a weekly kids program and a gospel singing night, in addition to providing emergency first aid. This is all in addition to spending time doing life with people in Grayling - whatever that may be that day.
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What are you doing there?InterAct believes in discipleship through all stages of life and we do this by everything from kids clubs to community gospel sing nights to pastoring Grayling Bible Church. We are also providing emergency first aid help when called upon. We are here as learners of the local culture, building genuine relationships as we do life alongside people. This is home and we love our neighbors. We believe Christ is the answer to the problems that everyone faces in their lives, especially in these rural villages, and we have felt God’s leading to share the Hope of Christ in Grayling.
Where is Grayling?350 miles west of Anchorage on the banks of the lower Yukon River. It has an interior Alaska climate with short, intense summers and long, cold winters.
How do you get there?By plane. There are 3 different small air taxis servicing Grayling currently. Two fly from Anchorage and land in multiple villages in the area, and one will take you from anchorage to Aniak, then have a conecting flight from Aniak to Grayling and other surounding villages. We’re hoping to get a small plane of our own in a few years to be able to travel from village to village more easily. Once in the village people get around on 4-wheelers or trucks.There’s no roads out of the village. People travel up and down the river in boats during the summer and fall, and snowmachines (snowmobiles) once the Yukon freezes over.
What is InterAct?InterAct Ministries is the non-profit organization who we serve with and work for. They are the one’s officially sending us to Grayling. They provide support, accountability, and resources for us as missionaries in the bush. InterAct has dozens of missionaries in Canada, Alaska, and Far-East Russia. Learn more at InterActMinistries.org InterAct exists to make disciples among least-reached peoples in cooperation with like-minded churches and organizations.
Why Grayling? What's your connection?We believe that we are all called to take part in Jesus' command to share the Gospel locally, regionally, and globally. We have both felt a calling for many years to work with Alaska Native people. Our connection with Grayling began in the 1960s, when Tisha's grandpa and grandma were the village missionaries in Holikachuck, then Grayling. Tisha's dad even grew up in Grayling from around age 1 to 12. This is a unique connection to be going in with.
How much does it cost to get there?Around $450 per person one way to fly from Anchorage to Grayling or back.
How big is Grayling?The population is about 200 people with 40ish kids in the K-12 school.